St. Philip’s is a place of welcome. From our banner out front that says #allarewelcome to the members of our congregation who always love seeing new faces, we want everyone to know how delighted we are that you are considering visiting and worshiping with us. Because most people wonder what it might feel like to visit a new church for the first time, we’ve answered some of the common questions below. We look forward to seeing you!
Q. Are there differences between the various services?
Not really. Each service on Sundays is the liturgy of Holy Eucharist and all who come are welcome to receive communion. The Sunday morning services will be our more traditional liturgy. Typically we will have a choral or musical offering during these services.
Our Wednesday morning liturgy is also Holy Eucharist, Rite II from the Book of Common Prayer. However, our readings come from Holy Women, Holy Men to commemorate the saint of the day.
Q. Is there a nursery?
Typically we do offer nursery care for infants through age four each Sunday from 10:15 until noon. You are welcome to bring your child to church, the more the merrier!
Q. Do you have Adult and Children’s Formation?
Yes! We believe strongly that Christians and those seeking faith formation should have the opportunity to learn more about the story of God’s people, both in scripture and in context of the current world we live in.
Our Director of Christian Formation Lisa Saucier can be contacted at Our new Christian Education year will kick off September 10th!
Q. Where should I sit?
For most services, sit wherever you like! Honestly. We have folks who have seats they’ve sat in for years, but the second they see a new face in “their seat” they sit down next to you and welcome you with open arms. Now, after a few weeks, they may try to negotiate with you, but know that you’re always welcome to sit wherever!
We hope you’ll join us on Sunday!
Please fill out a visitors’ card and drop it in our offering plate when you visit. And make yourself known to one of the priests. If you have any questions about planning your Sunday visit or about St. Philip’s in general, please contact our parish administrator Christy Howell at 601.956.5788 or