Vacation Bible School

All God's Creatures: Noah's Ark and Being Rooted in God's Faithfulness

The theme this year for Vacation Bible School is All God's Creatures! We will dive into the story of Noah's Ark, learn about the animals that were saved, the flood that washed over the earth, and also most certainly there will be games, music, and food!

This Summer, Vacation Bible School will take place primarily over Friday evening (July 16th) and Saturday Morning/early afternoon (July 17th). VBS is open to all St. Philip's children who have completed kindergarten to 5th grade. If you have a PK4 or a grandchildren that is not a member of the parish who would like to attend, then please email me at Then, on Sunday morning (July 18th) we encourage all participants and their families to come to church. We will worship with the whole congregation, hear the gospel preached, and listen to the message about being rooted in God's everlasting faithfulness.

Please sign up today for VBS on July 16-18, and be on the look-out for more times and information to come. We also need volunteers! If you are willing to volunteer for any and all days, or have children who are willing to volunteer, please email me also at

Signup Forms

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